Library location: Wairau Hospital, 1st Floor, Arthur Wicks Building
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to the library at Nelson Marlborough Health here is where you will find help with any information needs you have relating to health, patient care, and research.
The library provides a wide range of physical and online resources and access to many other sources of health information in New Zealand and overseas via interloan services and database networks. As most health information is now accessed electronically, most of the library usage takes place online.
How is the library accessed?
· The physical library is located at Wairau Hospital (1st Floor, Arthur Wicks Building). There is 24/7 hour access via swipe card and four networked computers are available for use
· The library catalogue and online resources are accessed via links below:
Catalogue for physical items - Nelson-Marlborough Catalogue
National Library Discovery Portal - National Library Discovery Portal
· If you are logged into work remotely, you can access all library resources from anywhere.
· The library catalogue provides keyword search access to books and journals in both print and electronic form.
· To borrow physical items or to access your library account, please login with an existing account or create a new one. This login will also be used to access the self-checkout module (Self checkout › Nelson-Marlborough Library)
What resources does the library have?
As well as hardcopy books and journals on the shelves, the library provides access to:
· Databases: (Ebsco Medline Ultimate, Ebsco CINAHL Ultimate, APA PsycInfo via Ebsco - which offer selected full-text) / Proquest Health Research Premium Collection, Cochrane Library, Oxford Medicine - Oxford Journals collection, Thieme MedOne - Neuro / Plastic / Oto [MedOne (], ACORN -Standards [] - which offer full-text.)
· Point of care tools: (UpToDate [unchanged from 2024], BMJ Best Practice)
· eJournals
· eBooks